28 Unit 1 Your Development and Relationships
Chapter Summary
Section 1-1. Two main factors that
shape your personality are heredity and
environment. Your personality includes
inherited traits that you received from
your parents and ancestors. It also
includes acquired traits that develop
as a result of your environment. Your
self-concept, or the mental image you
have of yourself, is an important part
of your personality. Your self-esteem is
how you feel about your self-concept.
It affects your confi dence in your
abilities and your relationships, too.
You can learn to like yourself better and
improve your self-esteem.
Section 1-2. You are now in
adolescence, which is the stage of life
between childhood and adulthood.
During this time, you will grow and
develop physically, intellectually,
emotionally, and socially. These changes
will affect every part of your life,
including your body, mind, feelings,
and relationships. Each of these changes
also allows you to accomplish certain
developmental tasks that are important
steps toward becoming an adult.
Remembering these changes are typical
will help you adjust to them and enjoy
the person you are becoming.
Section 1-3. Another part of
growing up involves becoming
independent of adults. One way to
become more independent is to assume
more responsibility. By accepting
responsibilities, you show people they
can count on you to do what you say
you will do. You have responsibilities
to yourself, your home and family,
friends, school, community, and the
global environment in which you live.
Fulfi lling your responsibilities shows you
are ready to start making more of your
own decisions. You are ready to start
becoming an independent adult.
Check your understanding of the main
concepts for Chapter 1 at the website.
Critical Thinking
1. Identify. If you could change
one thing about yourself, what
would that one thing be? Why is
it an important change for you
to make? Is it realistic for you to
make the change? What strategies
could you outline to help you
reach your goal?
2. Draw conclusions. What can
people do to achieve healthy
self-esteem when the media
promotes unrealistic images?
3. Determine. Do famous people such
as athletes, politicians, or actors
have an obligation to be responsible
role models? Why or why not?
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