32 Unit 1 Your Development and Relationships
Physical Needs
One function of the family is to provide for the physical needs of family
members. These needs include food, clothing, and shelter. In years past,
serving this function meant growing your own food, canning or preserving
it, and preparing it for the family. It also meant making clothes and building
your own home. Today, factories produce most food, clothing, and housing
materials. Serving this function now means having a job to provide a source of
income. Families purchase the food, clothing, and shelter needed for survival.
Emotional Support
Another function the family provides is for the emotional well-being of its
members. All people need to feel loved and accepted, even when they make
mistakes. They need to feel they belong somewhere. Family members provide
the security of someone to turn to—even a shoulder to cry on at times. They
recognize each other when they do something well. Families often best provide
the emotional support needed for its members.
The family also fulfi lls a socialization function. Socialization means that
families teach their children about the culture of the society in which they live.
Culture refers to the beliefs and customs of a particular racial, religious, or
social group.
Socialization also includes teaching children acceptable forms of
behavior. From an early age, children begin to learn how to function
2-1 These family members are related to each other by birth.
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