Chapter 1 Understanding Clothing 27 them. Wearing such clothing helps avoid accidents. Agricultural workers who han- dle chemicals wear special gloves. Medical workers wear gloves, gowns, and masks to protect themselves and their patients from exposure to disease-causing organisms, 1-3. These coverings are then discarded after one use. Love and Acceptance Needs The need for love and acceptance can infl uence how people choose to dress. People have a need to receive affection from others. They also want to feel like they belong to a group. This need guides them in their clothing choices. Through the years, you learn from your family, friends, and teachers what is expected of you. These are standards that are pretty well set. They include behavior guidelines as to what society considers acceptable. These expectations also include standards of dress. Standards of dress can vary from one culture to another. They can also change over time. Modesty In most societies, modesty is important. Modesty means covering the body accord- ing to what is appropriate by the society in which you live. Modesty standards may vary by culture. Some Muslim women, for instance, must cover their bodies and faces completely. Only their eyes are unveiled. Standards of modesty can change through the years. In the 1800s, society in this country dictated that a consid- erable degree of cover-up was important for social acceptance. Women wore long dresses and layers of clothing. Today, it is acceptable to show more of the legs. Think how swim suits have changed through the years. In earlier times, swimwear for both men and women nearly covered the entire body. In the 1960s, the bikini bathing suit became popular. Standards have changed in modern times, but a certain amount of coverage is still expected. Modesty standards vary according to the situation. Clothing a woman wears to work in an offi ce will be different from what she wears for a special evening event. Evening wear can show more skin. Clothes you wear to school also must conform to certain standards. No matter what clothes you choose to wear, school authorities require a certain level of modesty in your dress. 1-2 This child’s rain gear keeps her dry while she enjoys playing outside on a rainy day. Shutterstock
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