Copyright by Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
At one time, fixing an automatic transmission involved
taking it apart, cleaning and inspecting the internal
components, and replacing worn parts. While this took
skill and attention to detail, it was a relatively simple
procedure. Since there were only a few types of automatic
transmissions, technicians could become proficient in a
short period of time. Many automatic transmission techni-
cians learned by experience, making mistakes and learning
from them.
Today, it is almost impossible to get started on a
career in automatic transmission and transaxle repair
without formal training and a great deal of study. The
modern technician must deal with many different trans-
missions and transaxle designs. The high cost of parts and
labor prevents the technician from using trial and error
to diagnose a troublesome transmission. Today’s techni-
cians must develop the same troubleshooting and repair
skills needed in the past, but must also learn to diagnose
complex electrical and electronic problems.
Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles provides the
latest information on the design, construction, diagnosis,
service, and repair of the automatic transmissions and
transaxles used in late-model vehicles. This text has been
carefully designed so all pertinent components are identi-
fied and operating principles are fully explained before
troubleshooting, service, and repair are discussed.
Each chapter of this text begins with a list of objec-
tives that provide focus for the chapter. A list of impor-
tant technical terms is also presented at the beginning of
each chapter. Be sure to look for these terms as you read
through the chapters. They will be printed in bold italic
type when first used in the body of the chapter and will be
defined when introduced. Figure references are printed in
bold type for ease of identification. Warnings and cautions
are provided when the risk of injury or property damage
is present. Notes are used to highlight information that
supplements the material presented in the body of the text.
ASE certification is becoming increasingly impor-
tant. In a few years, it may be difficult to get a job as an
automotive technician if you are not certified. Automatic
Transmissions and Transaxles is a valuable resource for
those preparing for ASE Certification Test A2, Automatic
Transmission/Transaxle. The content is correlated to the
ASE/NATEF Task List. ASE-type questions at the end of
each chapter help students prepare for the questions
encountered on the ASE tests. In addition, Chapter 20 is
devoted to information about preparing for and taking ASE
A Workbook for Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles
is available to complement this textbook. The workbook
contains additional test questions, as well as jobs to
help you develop your hands-on service techniques. The
chapters in the workbook are correlated to those in the
By choosing Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles,
you have made a good start in preparing for a career in the
field of automotive service and repair.
Chris Johanson
James E. Duffy
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