21 Outcome-Oriented Learning This product also aligns with the National Standards in K–12 Personal Finance Education published by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy®. 40 Unit 1 Introduction to Banking Apply Your Knowledge 16. Do you think it is better to put your money in a credit union or a bank? Explain your answer. 17. Create a list of safety rules to keep in mind when using an ATM. 18. What do you think are the pros and cons of peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions? 19 . Look around your neighborhood or in advertisements for fi nancial institutions. Determine what kind of institution is being advertised— unit bank, regional bank, national bank, or something else. What does the institution type tell you about it? 20. Have you seen or heard about any fi nancial institutions going out of business? What factors do you think cause a bank to no longer be viable? Working in Teamsconsumer Working with a classmate, create a list of competitive advantages a bank could offer that would persuade a to move their banking business to that bank. Focus on what is most signifi cant to the consumer. After you fi nish your research, survey your class to see what services other teams perceive to be most important. G-W Learning Companion Website Visit the G-W Learning companion website to complete the chapter pretest and posttest and to practice vocabulary using e-fl ash cards. www.g-wlearning.com/fi nance/ Communication Skills Reading. Read a magazine, newspaper, or online article about the impact of technology on banks in today’s economy. Determine the central ideas of the article and review the con- clusions made by the author. Provide an accurate summary of your reading, making sure to incorporate the who, what, when, and how of this situation. w Writing. Conduct research on how much money banks lost in the last year due to identity theft. Write an informative report consisting of several paragraphs to describe your fi ndings of the implications for the bank. College and Career Readiness Ch01.i n dd 40 6/28/2017 12:51:48PM The G-W Learning Companion Website contains e-fl ash cards to practice vocabulary, as well as the chapter pretest and posttest and Biz Kid$ videos. Apply Your Knowledge questions present critical thinking activities that allow individual interpretation of content learned in the chapter. Working in Teams provides collaborative work experiences to encourage leadership and cooperation. Communication Skills activities provide ways for students to demonstrate the literacy and career readiness skills they have mastered. The Unit Assessment provides an opportunity to measure student knowledge of the materials presented in the chapters in the unit. Event Prep creates an opportunity to prepare for competitive activities for career and technical student organization (CTSO) competitions.
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