Chapter 3
Story Composition
Reading Prep. Before reading the chapter, skim the photos and their
captions. As you are reading, determine how these concepts contribute
to the ideas presented in the text.
and Career
any video games are interactive stories. The player can become involved
with the main storyline. There are several different ways a story can be added to
the game, some of which allow the player to choose a path within the story. Add a
story only if it will help make the game more meaningful to the player. This chapter
explores how a story is assembled and how a game can be designed to tell a story.
Check Your Video Game IQ
Before you begin this chapter, see what you already know about
video game design by taking the chapter pretest.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
Determine when to add a story to a video game.
Outline the basic creative writing procedures.
Differentiate between a linear and a nonlinear structure for interactive story delivery.
Explain how level design mimics the story design and differentiate between level
designs for linear and nonlinear games.
Define the essential elements of a level.
Objectives Objectives
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