800 Index
Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Ablation, 420
Abstinence, 23, 48, 385–386, 425
challenges, 385
defi nition, 385
developing refusal skills, 23, 385–386
Accident. See Unintended injuries
Acid refl ux disorder, 145
Acidosis, 431
Acne, 234–235, 618, 676
Acquaintance rape, 578
Acquaintances, 539
Acquired immune defi ciency syndrome (AIDS), 40, 398
Active listening, 533
Acute diseases, 11, 412
Addiction, 267–269, 507
alcoholism, 301–302
defi nition, 267
dependency and addiction, 268–269
drugs, 337–343
experimentation, 268
exploring a new identity, 270
nicotine, 272–279
regular use, 268
tolerance, 268
withdrawal symptoms, 269
Adolescent years, 675–679
emotional and social development, 678
health and wellness issues, 679
intellectual development, 677–678
physical development and puberty, 676–677
Adoption, 636, 655
Adulthood, 680–686
adaptations to aging, 686
health changes, 683–686
mature adult, 681
stages, 681–683
Adult-onset diabetes, 54, 432
Aerobic, 170
Aerobic endurance, 174–175
Affordable Care Act, 29–30
cost reduction and affordability, 29–30
defi nition, 29
expanded access to insurance, 29
improved healthcare, 30
Age spots, 683
Aggressive, 560–561
Agility, 178
Aging, 687–693
caring for older adults, 688
nancial and medical issues at end of life, 690–691
grief and loss, 691–693
health changes, 683–686
hospice and palliative care, 689–690
housing options, 689
stages of grief, 691–693
transportation options, 689
AIDS. See Acquired immunodefi ciency syndrome
Airbrush, 150
Alcohol abuse. See Alcoholism
Alcohol, 284–311
alcohol poisoning, 295–296
binge drinking, 295
blood alcohol concentration, 288
defi nition, 287
effects on brain, 287–288
effects on health, 293–299
hangover, 291–292
impact on body, 286–292
long-term health consequences, 296–298
motor vehicle accidents, 294
pregnancy, 297–298
problem drinking, 301
strategies for preventing and treating alcohol abuse,
underage drinking, 298–299
use and abuse, 300–305
use, accidents, and violence, 294–295
Alcoholics, 301
defi nition, 301
factors affecting, 302–305
prevention, 307–308
strategies for treating, 308–311
Alcohol poisoning, 295
Allergens, 99, 433
Allergies, 99, 433–434
All-or-nothing mindset, 122
Amenorrhea, 190, 618
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, 402
Amino acid, 72, 137, 219
Amnion, 607
Amphetamines, 323
Anabolic steroids, 137, 333
Anaerobic, 170
Analgesics, 319
Anaphylaxis, 434
Androgynous, 453
Anemia, 77, 144, 615
Angina, 417
Anorexia nervosa, 141–142, 144, 190, 507
Antibiotics, 368–369
Antibiotic resistance, 369
Antibody, 374
Antidepressants, 518, 519, 619
Antigens, 374
Antiperspirant, 231
Antipsychotics, 519
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