Child Care Administration: Planning Quality Programs for Young Children was
written to help you become a successful administrator of a quality child care pro-
gram. It provides clear, step-by-step information about how to establish and operate
both proprietary and not-for-profit programs. “Director’s Dilemmas” throughout the
text will help you identify and develop strategies for dealing with real-life manage-
ment situations.
Successful programs require careful planning long before the doors actually open
for children. Part One of this book guides you through the process of determining
the type of need that exists, obtaining financial support for the program, locating and
preparing a facility, planning the daily program, hiring appropriate staff, and
enrolling children.
Part Two of this text focuses on the management tasks required to operate a pro-
gram. It provides information about how to develop leadership and organizational
skills. Specific topics include an examination of special purpose programs, keeping
children healthy and safe, and working with parents.
Providing quality care is complicated. It requires the combining of knowledge
about child development along with thoughtful planning and organization.
However, helping provide a positive child care experience can bring you the
immense satisfaction of knowing that you have helped improve the quality of life for
children and their families.
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