Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Chapter 3 Families Today 83
Review and Assessment
Portfolio Organization
As you collect items for your portfolio, you will
need a method to keep the items clean, safe, and
organized for assembly at the appropriate time. A
large manila envelope works well to keep hard copies
of your documents, photos, awards, and other items.
For certificates that are framed or already in scrap-
books, you may want to include photocopies of these
items. You may also choose to include photos of
trophies and plaques for your portfolio. Three-ring
binders with sleeves are another good way to store
your information. A box large enough for full-size
documents will also work. Plan to keep like items
together and label the categories. Use notes clipped to
the documents to identify each item and state why it
is included in the portfolio. Before you begin collecting
items for your portfolio, complete the following:
Select a method for storing hard copy items
you will be collecting for your portfolio. (You will
decide where to keep electronic copies in a
later activity.)
Write a paragraph that describes your plan for
storing and labeling the items. Refer to this plan
each time you add items to the portfolio.
The family is the basic unit of society. Several factors contribute to the health of a family. These
include a mutual commitment to family life, others-centeredness, and good communication. The
foundational relationship in nuclear families is marriage, and there are many factors to analyze
when considering and preparing for marriage. Marriage and family relationships are nurtured
by positive nonverbal and verbal communication skills as well as effective money management.
Signifi cant changes in these foundational relationships can disrupt families, but family bonds can
be strengthened and renewed. Many changes affect families today. Some of these changes take place
during the six stages of the family life cycle. From the beginning stage through the childbearing,
parenting, launching, mid-years, and aging stages, the family grows and develops.
Culture, which is identifi ed in different ways, infl uences how each family lives. Because the
United States has such cultural diversity, the effects of culture vary widely. Multicultural families
are becoming more common. These families may have more challenges, but they can be as happy
and healthy as other families.
One major difference from years past is the variety in family types that occurs. Family types
include nuclear, single-parent, stepfamilies, extended families, families with adopted children,
foster families, families with guardians, and families with grandparents as the head of household.
Each family type has unique challenges and strengths.
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