Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Chapter 1 Learning About Children 11 Figure 1.4 Environmental Impact on Growth and Development How would the environmental impact be different in the home if parents… show unconditional love versus make “love” dependent on doing as “We, the parents, say”? are responsive versus nonresponsive to the child’s needs? model the values and attitudes they expect versus saying one thing, but doing another? have clear and reasonable expectations versus unclear, unreasonable, or inconsistent expectations? set rules, give reasons, and apply appropriate consequences for misbehaviors versus commanding and punishing in anger for misdeeds? focus on the child’s abilities versus the child’s faults? keep communication open by listening to the child, making suggestions, giving alternatives, or problem-solving versus ignoring the child or commanding or threatening without listening? have a stable family life versus instability caused by situations, such as divorce, financial problems, or domestic violence? How would the environmental impact be different in child care programs and schools if they… promote the cultural values of the community versus promote values not accepted by the community? are of high-quality versus low-quality? have expectations that are similar to those of parents versus have expectations that are dissimilar? encourage parents and teachers to work as a team versus compete with each other? employ teachers who have clear and reasonable expectations for each child versus those who have unclear and unreasonable expectations? ensure children will feel they can be successful versus promote children’s realistic or unrealistic fear of failure? How would the environmental impact be different in the community of peers if children… are accepted and liked versus ignored, teased, or bullied? engage in positive group behaviors versus behaviors that are high-risk, illegal, or in other ways less than positive? find group activities that are enjoyable and affordable for each child in the group versus activities that are not enjoyable or affordable for some children? resolve peer conflicts in constructive ways versus have conflicts that often result in anti-social behaviors? How would the environmental impact be different in health care if staff members… provide services that fit parents’ needs versus do not provide services that fit those needs, such as have inconvenient hours and/or locations, do not provide care needed by children with special needs or with certain chronic conditions, do not have staff members who speak the parents’ language, or have charges that are not affordable to a family? give the needed time for each child and are pleasant versus seem to be hurried and are possibly curt? answer parent questions versus seem to be “put off” with questions or hesitant to answer? give clear instructions for treatment and follow-up versus not making instructions or follow-up very clear to parents? How would the environmental impact be different in the community if agencies… provide a peaceful, safe environment for all versus cannot maintain community peace and safety? ensure that children have all they need for healthy development versus do not have child-centered agencies or have agencies that are targeted only at particular groups of children and their families? (Continued)
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