files stored on a computer or build and maintain a data-
base of the same information. A list of emerging occu-
pations is listed in Figure 1-2.
The Occupational Information Network (O*NET)
is an occupational resource that provides descriptions
of in-demand industry areas in emerging occupations.
O*NET OnLine is a tool job seekers can use for career
exploration and job analysis.
The US Department of Labor is another resource for
job seekers. Through the Department of Labor, users
can view job information, hourly standards for jobs,
wage information, and occupational safety informa-
tion. According to the Department of Labor, in-demand
occupations are vital to our economy’s health.
Complete 1-1 Emerging Occupations, pg 19
Career Plan
A career plan is documentation of where a person is
today in the job-search process and where he or she
would like to be over the course of a career. The ben-
efits of creating this plan include self-reflection, goal
setting, and a commitment to complete ongoing tasks.
Career Preparation
Finding a satisfying, fulfilling career that balances
your work life with your home life is a goal that most
of us seek to accomplish. Like other goals we strive to
achieve, preparation is the key to success. In order to
find a satisfying career, you must adequately prepare
for it. Career preparation is a journey that differs from
person to person. However, most successful job can-
didates have certain similarities in common, includ-
ing learning to define the difference between a job
and career and understanding how to create a well-
developed career plan.
A job is short-term employment for compensa-
tion. At different times in a person’s life, jobs help to
pay bills, offset school costs, and meet other financial
obligations. These jobs can often serve as stepping
stones toward future employment goals. However, in
college, it becomes time to make plans for long-term
A career is a long-term progression in one particular
field with opportunities for growth and advancement.
It is a lifetime endeavor that utilizes particular skills
and expertise. A career generally requires more educa-
tion than a job, and during your working years, it may
change multiple times. Evaluating career opportunities
that are right for you can be an overwhelming task that
requires long-term planning. You spend most of your
waking hours at work, so decisions made regarding
employment should not be taken lightly.
In your educational experience, you may have been
introduced to career pathways that categorize various
jobs common in the workplace. As shown in Figure 1-1,
career pathways are broad categories that focus on spe- s
cific skills and competencies for various types of jobs.
These pathways are a part of the 16 career clusters
that are centered on related career fields. Within each
pathway, specific industries are referenced. Selecting a
career involves choosing the career pathway that is best
suited to your aptitudes, skills, abilities, and values, and
then selecting an industry within it.
With each passing decade, employment trends
evolve. It is your task to try to predict future employ-
ment options in the career field of your choice. One of
the ways to analyze the future employment outlook is
to compare yesterday’s job trends with current mar-
ket advertisements. The federal government, as well
as many individual states, compile and publish data
for emerging occupations. Emerging occupations are
new occupations that have developed or changed due to
technological or other advancements. For example, in
the past, an office clerk filed hard-copy papers into file
cabinets. That job has changed to an emerging occupa-
tion for IT professionals who clean up and defragment
The Best App
for That
The Glassdoor app is a job-search-and-recruiting r
app that includes a database of company
reviews, salary information, and more.
Job seekers can search the database to find
anonymous reviews from former employees
of companies. Former employees often share
information about salaries paid at those
companies, what it is like to work there, and
other inside information that only employees
can provide. Employers can post job openings,
a company profile, and other information to
use for recruiting new employees. From this
information, job candidates can apply for a
position directly through the app.
Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Chapter 1 Preparing for Your Career
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