The Culinary Professional is the first step on the path to a career in the culinary field. It
will provide you with the necessary skills for more advanced class work and expose you to the
world of professional cooking.
The foodservice industry, which employs most culinary professionals, is large and diverse.
This text begins with an introduction to that industry’s opportunities and challenges. You will
learn what it takes to succeed in this growing field.
Before you begin to cook, you should know how to be safe in the kitchen. Early chapters
will explain how to protect your safety as well as that of your coworkers and customers.
Chefs use many tools and select from an immense array of ingredients when preparing
dishes. The Culinary Professional supplies a generous number of photos and clear descrip-
tions of the tools and ingredients used in the professional kitchen. Step-by-step directions for
basic culinary skills and cooking methods appear throughout the text. The presentation of
your food is nearly as important as the preparation, and for this reason, a full chapter covers
the principles of plating, design, and garnishing.
Successful chefs must be able to do more than simply prepare delicious dishes. This book
teaches you how to find a job and what is expected of you as an employee. You will learn about
the importance of working with other departments and managing resources.
Welcome to the first step on your path to a career in culinary!
Introduction Introduction
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