302 Part Three Ingredients, Preparation, and Presentation
An almost endless list of cooked foods can
be turned into salads. Salads provide a way
for a creative chef to use up leftovers. These
salads can be made of any complementary
combination of vegetables, meats, poultry,
seafood, cheese, potatoes, pasta, or grains.
When cooked items are mixed with
mayonnaise, it is referred to as a bound
salad. The thick, binding consistency of a
proper mayonnaise acts to hold the salad
together. Ingredients other than mayonnaise
such as Greek yogurt can be used to bind the
ingredients. When cooked foods are mixed
with a vinaigrette, it is commonly called a
marinated salad, 19-3.
Common Salad
Salad greens come in a variety of shapes,
colors, textures, and flavors. Chefs must be
familiar with the various greens when plan-
ning menus and purchasing.
Draz-Koetke/Goodheart-Willcox Publisher
19-3 Marinated salads like this colorful pasta salad are dressed with vinaigrettes.
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