The Professional Chef The Professional Chef
Reading Prep
In preparation for reading this chapter, locate and
complete a personality test online to begin to
understand your personality type, strengths, and
weaknesses. As you read, consider whether your
personality might be compatible with a career in
Culinary Terminology
apprenticeship, p. 64
American Culinary Federation (ACF), p. 64
certification, p. 64
Academic Terminology
resource, p. 56
professionalism, p. 56
diversity, p. 57
attitude, p. 58
stress, p. 60
conflict, p. 61
active listening, p. 67
registered dietitian (RD), p. 71
Practice vocabulary activities online
After studying this chapter, you will be able to

explain the various roles a professional chef
must fulfill.

understand the professional traits of
successful culinarians.

recognize personal behaviors that contribute
to a successful culinary career.

explain the various types of knowledge and
expertise that a chef’s job requires.

summarize training and education options
available to those seeking a career in
culinary arts.

recognize how essential leadership skills are

recall professions that require knowledge
and skills similar to those of a chef.
The word chef is French for “chief.” The
title is short for chef de cuisine, or “chief of
the kitchen.” Any successful chef will tell
you that the path to becoming a professional
chef requires both study and hard work.
One without the other makes an unformed
and uninformed cook. Success also requires
someone with special characteristics and moti-
vation. This chapter explores what it takes to
become a success in the culinary arts.
The Chef’s Many
The title of chef implies someone who
can prepare creative, tasty dishes and has
the skills and knowledge needed to run a
commercial kitchen. The chef must fulfill
many roles to accomplish these feats.
Cooking is the basis of skills and knowl-
edge needed by a chef. No one can become
a chef without first being an experienced
cook. In order to oversee all the food being
prepared in a kitchen, the chef must have
experience at each position of the brigade.
The chef must be knowledgeable of all the
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