852 Glossary
chafi ng dish. Decorative covered stand that
keeps food hot. (39)
chain restaurants. A group of restaurants
owned by the same company that use
the same menu, décor, and management
practices in each location. (2)
chemical hazard. Any chemical that contam-
inates food. (7)
chiffonade (shif on AHD). Thinly cut strips
of leafy greens. (16)
china cap. A cone-shaped strainer used to
remove lumps and particles from liquids
such as sauces. (13)
chinois (SHEEN wah). A type of china cap
that has a fi nely woven, metal mesh. (13)
chlorophyll. The chemical that gives green
vegetables their color. (27)
cholesterol. A white, pasty, fat-like substance
found in the bloodstream and cells that
is essential for many of the body’s func-
tions. (50)
chop. A steak that always contains a bone. (31)
chowder. An American seafood-based soup
that is fl avored with dairy product, bacon,
and potato; and thickened with fl our. (25)
churning. The rapid mixing of cream that
causes lumps of butterfat to emerge and
begin to stick together to form larger and
larger pieces of butter. (37)
chutney. A condiment made of preserved
fruits and vegetables with an acidic,
sweet and spicy fl avor. (17)
clamshell griddle. A piece of cooking equip-
ment that consists of two hot, smooth
surfaces that close on the top and bottom
of the sandwich, cooking both sides at
once. (36)
clarifi ed butter. The fat portion of the butter,
which has been separated from the water
and milk solids. (16)
classic cuisine. A style of cooking defi ned
by orderly menus organized by courses,
served tableside by waiters in hotels and
restaurants. (3)
clean. A condition of being free of dirt,
grease, or grime. (8)
clearmeat. A mixture of ground meat, vege-
tables, and egg whites added to stock
to add fl avor and remove impurities to
clarify the stock. (25)
coagulant. Thickening agent. (37)
coddled eggs. Eggs cooked in their shells for
one to three minutes. (38)
cohesive. Unifi ed. (38)
colander. A large bowl-shaped strainer used
to drain large quantities of product. (13)
collagen. A protein found in bones and other
connective tissue from which gelatin is
derived. (23); the most prevalent connec-
tive tissue in meat. (30)
combination oven. An oven that uses a
combination of convection heat and
steam to cook foods. (14)
commercial foodservice. Businesses with the
primary goal of preparing and selling
food to make money. (2)
compensate. Make up for. (32)
complete protein. Protein that contains all
nine indispensable amino acids in the
correct proportions needed to support
life. (50)
composed salad. A fi nished salad that
has ingredients assembled in a
particular arrangement, also known as
plated salads. (19)
composting. The process by which some
food and other organic matter (leaves,
grass clippings, paper, and so on)
decay to form a highly fertile growing
substance. (10)
concassé (kon kah SAY). A rough dice or
chop of a product. (16)
concentration. Removal of water to make a
liquid less dilute. (37)
condiment. Flavoring or seasoning served
with foods to enhance their fl avor. (17)
conduction. How well pots and pans transfer
heat from the burner or oven to the
food they contain. (13); the transfer of
heat energy from one object to another
through direct contact. (18)
confer. To grant. (34)
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