Discovering Careers is designed to introduce you to the skills you will need to succeed
in school, on the job, and on your own. It will serve as a guide as you prepare for a career
and become a productive member of the workforce.
Success in a career begins with an understanding of the world of work. This text will
explain the important changes taking place in the workplace and how they apply to you.
It will cover the variety of careers available to you. Skills that are important in work and in
your life will be identifi ed as well as ways to acquire them.
Being a member of the workplace involves a whole new set of responsibilities as you
strive to become an independent adult. Once you know what type of work you want,
you are ready to begin exploring job options. You will learn how to fi nd work suitable to
your skills, personality, and values. You will also gain the knowledge needed to become
successful at work and advance in your career.
About the Authors
John A. Wanat is executive director of the Monmouth County Division on Aging,
Disabilities, and Veterans’ Interment and author of numerous textbooks, articles, and
audiovisual materials. Previously he managed several New Jersey State Department of
Education bureaus and implemented a statewide program that found jobs for 10,000 high
school graduates not bound for college. Wanat’s career has included coordinating degree
and nondegree programs for the Center for Occupational Education at Jersey City State
College. He also has served as vice president of a security training institute, director of an
adult learning center, and publisher/editor of two national education magazines.
E. Weston Pfeiffer provides consulting services to major corporations, the World Bank, and
numerous education agencies. Pfeiffer began his career as a teacher, then joined the New Jersey
Department of Education’s Division of Vocational Education. There he was state supervisor of
cooperative industrial education, lead program specialist for trade and industrial education,
and state director for apprentice training. Recently Pfeiffer has served as advisor for the U.S.
Department of Labor on technical and vocational training programs in Europe and the Middle
East. He is a founding member of the Cooperative Work Experience Education Association.
Richard Van Gulik, PhD, is assistant director for curriculum at Withlacoochee Technical Institute.
Previously he was superintendent of Hunterdon County Polytech and principal of Salem County
Vocational School. While he was principal, Salem County Vocational School was recognized by the
U.S. Department of Education as one of the top 10 vocational programs in the nation. Van Gulik
also served as program specialist in trade and industrial education for New Jersey’s Department of
Education. He is a leader in initiating programs that address the employment needs of his county
and in creating school-to-career and mentoring opportunities for students in vocational programs.
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