98 Unit 2 Nutrition and Food Choices
Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
intolerant can take a dietary supplement called lactase that provides the
enzyme they need to digest lactose.
Some people have gluten intolerance. Gluten is the protein found in
wheat, rye, oats, and barley. You may have heard about celiac disease,
which causes an inability to process the gluten protein. These people must
avoid eating many grain-based products, such as bread, pasta, and cook-
ies. Celiac disease is not a type of food intolerance, however, but rather an
autoimmune disease caused by a person’s genetics. People can have gluten
intolerance without having celiac disease.
Fortunately, many gluten-free food products are now available. These
products are suitable for individuals with either celiac disease or gluten
Career Typical Education
and Training
Typical Job Duties
and DemandssndmaDe
Career Resources
Nutritionist or
four-year college
degree; some
states also require
Nutritionists and dietitians counsel people
on how to lead healthier lives by improving
their eating habits. They may work to
assess a client’s nutritional needs, develop
meal plans, and achieve health-related
goals such as lowering cholesterol
Academy of
Commission on
Food Science
four-year college
degree, and often a
graduate degree
Food science researchers study the
chemical composition of food to determine
the vitamin, fat, sugar, and protein levels in
the food. They also work to make sure food
is packaged, stored, and distributed
American Registry
of Professional
Animal ScientistsssttienciS
Food Service
high school
Food service managers oversee daily
restaurant or cafeteria operations.
They make sure all health regulations
are followed, monitor food preparation
activities, and oversee budgets, payroll,
and food inventory.y.
Association; Society
for Foodservice
Pediatric Dietitian four-year college
degree; most
states also require
licensing as a
Registered Dietitian
Pediatric Dietitians provide nutritional
counseling to families and children. They may
work with overweight children to help them
develop a healthier diet or decrease the risk
of health problems developing later on.
Academy of
Nutrition and
Commission on
Career Typical Education
and Trainin g
Typical Job Duties
C areer Resources
Nutritionist or
four-year college
degree; some
states al so require
Nutritionists an d dietitians counse l peop le
on h ow to l ea d healthier li ves b y improving
their eating habits. They may wor k to
assess a client’s nutritional needs, develop
meal pl ans, an d achieve health-related
goals suc h as lowering cholesterol llevels.s.leve
A cademy of
Nutrition andand
C ommission on
Dietetic RRegistrationnoistratgie
Food Science
four-year college
degree, and often a
g raduate degree
Food science researchers study t h e
chemical composition of food to determine
the vitamin, f at, sugar, and protein levels in
the f ood. The y also work to make sure f ood
is packaged, stored, and distributed sasafely.ely.f
American Registry
of Professional
Food Service
high school
Food service managers oversee daily
restaurant or cafeteria operations.
They make sure all health regulations
are f ollowed, monitor f ood preparation
activities, and oversee budgets, payroll,
and f ood inventor
National RestaurantRestaurant
A ssociation; Societ y
f or Foodservice
Pediatric Dietitian four-year college
degree; most
states al so require
licensing as a
Registered Dietitian
Pediatric Dietitians provide nutritional
counselin g to families and children. They may
wor k with overweight children to help th em
develop a healthier di et or d ecrease t h e ri s k
o f health problems developin g later on.
Academy of
Nutrition an d
C ommission on
Dietetic RRegistrationnoistratgie
Health and Wellness Careers Spotlight on
Exploring Careers
1. Think about your interests, strengths, and weaknesses. Which career appeals most to you? Which
career does not interest you?
2. Do you know anyone who works in one of these careers? If so, ask this person why he chose this
career and what he likes most and least about the work.
a protein found in wheat,
rye, oats, and barley
Described below are just a few of the many careers related to nutrition.
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