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Chapter 3 Nutrition 103
Math Practice
Use the information below and on the Nutrition Facts
label shown here to answer the questions.
Proteins supply 4 calories/gram
Carbohydrates supply 4 calories/gram
Fats supply 9 calories/gram
31. What is the percentage of calories from fat in this food?
A. 18%
B. 44%
C. 12%
D. 0.44%
32. What is the % Daily Value for saturated fat in this food?
A. 12%
B. 18%
C. 15%
D. 11%
33. If the entire container of food is eaten, what is the
% Daily Value of carbohydrates in this food?
A. 20%
B. 10%
C. 17%
D. 50%
Chapter 3 Skill Development
Core Skills
Reading and Writing Practice
Read the passage below and then answer the questions.
Your body breaks down carbohydrates into the
sugar known as glucose, which is your brain
and central nervous system’s preferred source
of energy. Glucose powers your brain, enabling
you to concentrate and pay attention. Have
you ever skipped breakfast and then had trouble
concentrating in one of your early morning
classes? This diffi culty is caused by your body
running out of glucose.
When your body needs more energy, it can use
glucose immediately. This is why having a candy
bar or soft drink, both loaded with sugar, can give
you a quick “pick-me-up.” The sucrose in these
snacks is quickly and easily broken down into
glucose and fructose.
When glucose is stored in the muscles and liver for
later use, it is known as glycogen. After enough
glycogen has been stored, any extra glucose is
converted by the liver into fat, which is stored in
the fat tissue. The body uses glycogen from the
muscles and liver, or the stored fat, when it needs
energy between meals or to fuel activity.
34. What is an important function of glucose?
A. Maintains the health of the digestive tract.
B. Acts as an energy source for the brain and
central nervous system.
C. Breaks down nutrients in the small intestine.
D. Is used by the body to convert carbohydrates
into energy.
35. How are glucose and glycogen related?
A. They are the same substance.
B. Glucose is needed to digest glycogen.
C. When glucose is stored in the liver and mus-
cles, it is called glycogen.
D. Glycogen turns into glucose when protein is
synthesized in the body.
36. Based on the passage you just read, write two or
three sentences about the importance of breakfast.
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