Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Chapter 9 Tobacco 269
A physical dependence occurs when the body relies on having a certain
amount of a substance present in the body to function “normally.” Without
the substance in the body, the dependent person feels uncomfortable, ir-
ritable, and even sick.
People who smoke also develop a psychological dependence, which
causes people to believe that they need the substance to feel “normal.”
People may also develop patterns for using a substance by associating the
substance with certain triggers. Whenever smokers encounter triggers they
associate with smoking, they feel a strong psychological need to smoke.
Withdrawal Symptoms
When people are addicted to a substance and they try to stop using it,
they experience unpleasant symptoms known as withdrawal. For people
addicted to nicotine, symptoms can include irritability, diffi culty concen-
trating, fatigue, nausea, and weight gain. They also experience intense
cravings for nicotine because their body is now addicted to having this
chemical. Withdrawal is one of the reasons why tobacco users have such
diffi culty quitting. People trying to quit smoking experience withdrawal
symptoms for several weeks and even months after they stop. Some ex-
smokers continue to have occasional cravings for tobacco for years.
Roberto is 15 years old and a sophomore in high school.
As a young child he was bothered by his mother’s smoking.
Roberto promised himself he would never smoke. During
his freshman year, however, he hung out with older students
who smoked. One day, he decided that it would be okay to
occasionally have a cigarette during the week with friends.
Roberto, who never intended to become a smoker,
soon found himself craving cigarettes. Although he only
smokes a few cigarettes each week, he has already
noticed that he can’t run as far as he used to without
getting winded. He is also beginning to smoke a couple
of extra cigarettes each day. He worries that he may have
diffi culty making the basketball team again this season.
Critical Thinking
1. Identify the primary factors that led Roberto to begin
smoking. What caused him to continue smoking?
2. How does Roberto’s situation relate to the stages of
substance abuse?
3. How can teenagers who spend time with friends who
smoke keep themselves from becoming smokers?
The Slippery Slope to Addiction
the unpleasant physical or
psychological symptoms
associated with attempting
to stop using a substance
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