Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Chapter 3 Nutrition 69
o you know that the foods and beverages you eat and drink im-
pact virtually all aspects of your body, including how tall you are,
how much you weigh, the strength of your muscles, and the com-
plexion of your skin? Food contains nutrients, which are chemical sub-
stances that give your body what it needs to grow and function properly.
There are six general types of nutrients:
Some of these nutrients provide the energy your body needs for daily
activities such as playing sports, dancing, and riding a bicycle. The body
also needs this energy to perform many important internal functions.
These functions include maintaining a stable body temperature, providing
energy to the brain and nervous system, and building body tissues.
Other nutrients enable certain critical bodily functions to occur. For ex-
ample, the body needs vitamins and minerals to build new cells, strength-
en its bones, and carry oxygen to its tissues. Nutrients also regulate crucial
physiological processes in your body, such as breathing and digesting.
In this lesson, you will learn about the three types of nutrients—carbo-
hydrates, proteins, and fats—that provide energy to your body. You will
also read about three types of nutrients—vitamins, minerals, and water—
that serve other functions in your body.
What do you notice about
this teen’s appearance that
suggests she eats nutritious
meals on a regular basis?
Figure 3.1
a chemical substance that
gives your body what
it needs to grow and
function properly
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