While studying this chapter, look for the activity icon to:
Assess your knowledge with self-check pretest and posttest.
Practice vocabulary terms with e-flash cards and matching activities.
Reinforce what you learn by completing end-of-chapter questions and activities.
Employability Employability
Being an Effi cient Employee
Employers want employees who are punctual, dependable, and responsible. They
want their employees to be capable of taking initiative and working independently. Other
desirable employee qualities include organization, accuracy, and efficiency.
No matter what your job is or how long you have had it, you can always improve your
efficiency. Efficiency is a measure of how much you can do—and how well you can do
it—with the resources you have. Like the world in general, the workplace is constantly
changing. Look critically at the work you do, whether it is schoolwork or work at a part-time
or full-time job. Examine the methods you use to get your work done. Methods that have
been useful in the past can sometimes be replaced with newer, more efficient methods
made possible by new technology.
General tips that may help you improve your efficiency include:

At the beginning of each day, think about what you need to accomplish that day
and set your priorities accordingly.

Consider your energy levels during the day and match your energy level to your
tasks. For example, if you think better in the morning, do tasks that require the
most thought or brainpower in the morning.

Organize your work environment. Identify items you need on a daily basis and
keep them within easy reach. Not having to spend time searching for these items
not only saves time, but also helps you retain your focus on the task at hand.
Perform a self-analysis using the tips provided here. How well are you doing? In what
ways can you improve your efficiency? Set yourself three written goals that you believe will
increase your efficiency within the next month. At the end of the month, review your list. Did
you achieve your goals?
Check Your Drafting IQ
Before you read this chapter, assess your current understanding
of the chapter content by taking the chapter pretest.
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