30 Fluid Power
To say the least, fluid power has grown tre-
mendously during the 1900s and into the 2000s.
Current space technology, manufacturing indus-
try demand, and consumer interest indicate that
this growth will continue into the twenty-first
century, Figure 1-22.
Chapter Test
Answer the following questions. Write your answers on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. Fluid power systems use ______ fluids to
transmit power.
2. The physical components in a fluid power
system are used to ______ , ______ , and ______
power to produce the desired results in an
3. The three power transfer systems commonly
used today are ______ , ______ , and ______ .
4. Name six industries in which fluid power
applications contribute to daily operations
and long term business success.
Figure 1-21. An automobile assembly line illustrates
the diverse use of fl uid power in industry today. A
full range of both pneumatic and hydraulic applica-
tions can be found in such operations.
(Photo: Atlas Copco)
Figure 1-22. Windmills have experienced a resur-
gence as prime movers in the windmill farms cur-
rently used for electrical generation. As energy
costs rise, so does interest in harvesting this “free”
energy. (ssuaphotos/Shutterstock)
5. The ______ fluid power system can usually
provide the best solution where lightweight
and easily handled tools are a requirement.
6. The pneumatic fluid power system is gener-
ally considered to be the most expensive to
operate because of the cost of ______ , ______ ,
and ______ the air.
7. Clean operation with minimum fire haz-
ards are characteristics of which fluid power
8. The earliest records indicating the use of
natural air and water movement to reduce
effort comes from archaeological discoveries
in ______ .
A. Egypt
B. Germany
C. Holland
D. Great Britain
9. It is generally believed by historians that
much of the early development of fluid power
was based on ______ , rather than on an
understanding of scientific principles.
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