Chapter 8 Writing Style
Go Green Go Green
The physical letter is still valued, but today much “written” communication is in the
form of e-mail. By sending an e-mail, the message can still be communicated, but
paper, ink, and other costs associated with mailing a physical letter are saved.
1. Estimate how much it would cost to send a one-page letter to a friend in
another state. Take in consideration the cost of the paper, ink, postage, travel
costs of going to the store to purchase supplies, and travel costs of going to
the post offi ce.
2. Do you think sending an e-mail rather than a letter is appropriate? Give
examples of appropriate messages that could be in an e-mail and those
messages that should be in a formal letter.
Before reading
this chapter, review
the highlighted terms
and defi nitions to
preview the new
content. Building a
business vocabulary
is an important activity
to broadening your
understanding of new
Writing Style and Tone
Writing style
refers to the way in which a writer uses language to convey an
idea. It refl ects the numerous decisions the writer must make regarding word
choice and construction of sentences and paragraphs.
In the world of business writing, Standard English is the norm.
means that word choice, sentence structure, paragraphs, and the layout
or format of communication follow standard, accepted conventions used by
those who speak English. “Texting” language is not acceptable in business
writing. Business writing must be clear and specifi c, as opposed to vague,
pretentious, or possibly unfamiliar to the reader.
The style you use creates a tone—an impression of the overall content of
the message. Is it friendly or hostile? Demanding or courteous? Sensitive or
insensitive? Ask yourself or a reviewer if the writing has a style and tone that
are both professional and friendly.
Judge your writing based on the four C’s of communication. A clear,
concise, courteous, and correct writing style that also shows respect and
sensitivity will leave on the reader a positive impression of you and your
company. That is the style to aim for in business writing.
1. What is a writing style?
2. Describe why “texting” language is not acceptable in business writing.
Choosing the Right Words
The world is diverse. Various groups—social, age, ethnic, and even work
groups within various businesses and industries—have unique ways of
communicating. Words and phrases can have different meanings in these
diverse communities.
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