Chapter 7 Design and Layout
Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
often functional rather than decorative. Calligraphy,
maps, floor plans, and graphs are all practical uses
of lines. Arrows and other symbols are examples of
lines used as a visual form. See Figure 7-3.
Different kinds of lines project different
emotions. Horizontal lines suggest a feeling of
rest, while vertical lines communicate a feeling of
strength and elevation. Architecture in our cities
is dominated by vertical lines. See Figure 7-4.
Diagonal lines suggest motion and direction. They
tend to be unstable. Deep, intense curves can give
a feeling of confusion, while shallow curves suggest
relaxation. See Figure 7-5.
Lines are often used to enhance or change
the visual quality of styles of type. They can
appear very harsh or very delicate. Lines play a
highly important role in designing a layout that
communicates effectively.
Shape is an area that is defined by a perimeter.
It could be a line, a color change, a value change,
or an actual form. Design is the arrangement of
Figure 7-4. Our cities and architecture rely heavily on
vertical lines. When viewed on a diagonal, motion and
direction are implied.
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Figure 7-3. Lines can deliver a visual message when they
are drawn as arrows or other symbols.
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Figure 7-5. Curved lines can be soothing or create unrest.
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