Chapter 11 Color
Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Suggested Activities
1. Visit the physics lab of your school, if it has one. Observe the visible
light through a prism and identify the wavelengths.
2. Ink up the press with red ink, cut several different types of
substrates, and run the substrates through the press. Once printed,
notice the appearance of the red ink on the various types of
substrates. Describe the differences in appearance.
3. Using a reflection densitometer, measure the density of several
printed control strips. Explain your findings.
4. Select several color-printed pieces and view them under different
types of light sources, including bright sunlight, fluorescent lighting,
incandescent lighting, and natural indoor light. Describe the color
variation in each situation.
5. Create a document using Pantone color swatches. Print it out and
compare the screen version and the printed version to a Pantone
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