Part 4 The Inside Story
In the previous chapter, you learned
t the elements of design—line,
m space, mass, and texture. In this
chapter, you will learn about another
element of design—color. Color is likely
the most important element of design.
Deciding what color to use is usually
the first decision made when designing fi
a room. It is one of the fi rst things others fi
notice about your design. Color sets the
mood in a room and leaves a lasting
impression with most people.
Understanding Color
is an element or property
of light. It can help you create certain
moods in your home by communicat-
ing excitement, calmness, mystery, or
other sensations and emotions. When
you understand the effects of color, you
can use it to make your personal living
space attractive and satisfying, 11-1.
The Psychology of Color
Each color has certain psychologi-
cal effects on people and can evoke
certain feelings. Factors that can influ- fl fl
ence peoples’ reactions to color include
age, gender, culture, and life experiences.
Although there is no single specific system fi
for identifying ways all people respond to
color, some of the effects for each of the
following colors may include:
Red is associated with power, danger,
fi re, strength, and passion. It is bold, fi
aggressive, exciting, and warm. It
demands attention. Red can make
red in a room can be overpowering.
Orange is hopeful, cheerful, warm,
and less aggressive than red. It
expresses courage and hospitality. It
can make a room feel energetic and
Yellow is friendly, happy, and warm. It
is associated with sympathy, sunlight,
prosperity, cowardice, and wisdom.
Yellow rooms are cheerful, light, and
airy. However, pure yellow draws
attention due to its brightness, so take
care when using it in large amounts.
Green is the color of nature. Conse-
quently, it is refreshing, friendly, cool,
and peaceful. Additional meanings
include hope, good luck, and envy.
Green mixes well with other colors and
looks especially good next to white.
Blue is cool, quiet, and reserved. It is
associated with tranquility, serenity,
and formality. Blue can be soothing
and peaceful. It can be especially
pleasing when used with white.
However, too much blue in a room
can be depressing.
Violet is a royal color. It is dignifiedfi
and dramatic. It works well with
most other colors.
Blackis sophisticated and mysterious. It is k
associated with wisdom, evil, and death.
Small amounts of black help ground
a room, or may add a timeless, classic
elegance. When used in large quantities,
however, black may be oppressive.
The combination
of colors used in
this child’s room
creates a cheerful
Photography Courtesy of
Calico Corners—Calico
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