Chapter 3 The Digestive System 101 Term Dissection Word Part/Meaning Term Defi nition 12. duodenal (dū-ŏ-DĒ-năl) (dū-ŎD-ĕn-ăl) duoden/al duoden = duodenum al = pertaining to pertaining to the duodenum 13. dysentery (DĬS-ĕn-tĕr-ē) dys/enter/y dys = painful diff icult enter = intestine y = condition process painful condition of the intestines 14. dyspepsia (dĭs-PĔP-sē-ă) dys/peps/ia dys = painful diff icult peps = digestion ia = condition condition of painful or diff icult digestion 15. dysphagia (dĭs-FĀ-jē-ă) dys/phagia dys = painful diff icult phagia = condition of eating or swallowing condition of painful or diff icult swallowing 16. enteritis (ĕn-tĕr-Ī-tĭs) enter/itis enter = intestine itis = infl ammation infl ammation of the intestines 17. epigastric (ĕp-ĭ-GĂS-trĭk) epi/gastr/ic epi = upon above gastr = stomach ic = pertaining to pertaining to (the area) above the stomach 18. esophageal (ē-SŎF-ă-jē-ăl) esophag/eal esophag = esophagus eal = pertaining to pertaining to the esophagus 19. esophagogastro- duodenoscopy (ē-SŎF-ă-gō-GĂS-trō- dū-ŏ-dĕ-NŎS-kō-pē) esophag/o/gastr/o/ duoden/o/scopy esophag = esophagus gastr = stomach duoden = duodenum scopy = process of observing process of observing the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum 20. gastritis (găs-TRĪ-tĭs) gastr/itis gastr = stomach itis = infl ammation infl ammation of the stomach 21. gastrodynia (găs-trō-DĬN-ē-ă) gastr/o/dynia gastr = stomach dynia = pain pain in the stomach 22. gastroenterologist (găs-trō-ĕn-tĕr-ŎL-ō-jĭst) gastr/o/enter/o/logist gastr = stomach enter = intestines logist = specialist in the study and treatment of specialist in the study and treatment of the stomach and intestines 23. gastroenterology (găs-trō-ĕn-tĕr-ŎL-ō-jē) gastr/o/enter/o/logy gastr = stomach enter = intestines logy = study of study of the stomach and intestines 24. gastroesophageal (găs-trō-ĕ-SŎF-ă-jē-ăl) gastro/esophag/eal gastr = stomach esophag = esophagus eal = pertaining to pertaining to the stomach and esophagus 25. gingivitis (jĭn-jĭ-VĪ-tĭs) gingiv/itis gingiv = gums itis = infl ammation infl ammation of the gums 26. glossalgia (glŏs-ĂL-jē-ă) gloss/algia gloss = tongue algia = pain pain in the tongue Prefi xes = Green Root Words = Red Suffi xes = Blue
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