126 Medical Terminology: Mastering the Basics Suffi x Meaning -gram record image -graphy process of recording an image -ia condition -iasis abnormal condition -ic pertaining to -itis infl ammation -logist specialist in the study and treatment of -logy study of -megaly enlargement -oma tumor -osis abnormal condition -phagia condition of eating or swallowing -pharynx pharynx throat -plasty surgical repair -ptosis drooping downward displacement -rrhea fl ow discharge -scope instrument used to observe -scopy process of observing -stomy new opening -tomy incision cut into -tripsy crushing -y condition process More Practice: Activities and Games The activities on the following pages will help you reinforce your skills and check your mastery of the medical terminology that you learned in this chapter. Visit the companion website for More Practice games and activities.
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