248 Medical Terminology: Mastering the Basics Breaking Down and Building Terms Related to the Eye and Ear Now that you have mastered the prefixes, combining forms, and suffixes for medical terminology used to describe the special sensory organs of sight and hearing, you have the ability to dissect and build a large number of terms related to these special sensory systems. Below is a list of common medical terms related to the study and treat- ment of the eye and the ear. For each term, a dissection has been provided, along with the meaning of each word element and the definition of the term as a whole. Term Dissection Word Part/Meaning Term Meaning Note: For simplifi cation, combining vowels have been omitted from the Word Part/Meaning column. 1. audiogram (AW-dē-ō-grăm) audi/o/gram audi = hearing gram = record image record of hearing 2. audiologist (AW-dē-ŎL-ō-jĭst) audi/o/logist audi = hearing logist = specialist in the study and treatment of specialist in the study and treatment of hearing 3. audiology (AW-dē-ŎL-ō-jē) audi/o/logy audi = hearing logy = study of study of hearing 4. audiometer (AW-dē-ŎM-ĕ-ter) audi/o/meter audi = hearing meter = instrument used to measure instrument used to measure hearing 5. audiometry (AW-dē-ŎM-ĕ-trē) audi/o/metry audi = hearing metry = measurement measurement of hearing 6. blepharitis (BLĔF-ă-RĪ-tĭs) blephar/itis blephar = eyelid itis = infl ammation infl ammation of the eyelid 7. blepharoplasty (BLĔF-ă-rō-PLĂS-tē) blephar/o/plasty blephar = eyelid plasty = surgical repair surgical repair of the eyelid 8. blepharoplegia (BLĔF-ă-rō-PLĒ-jē-ă) blephar/o/pleg/ia blephar = eyelid pleg = paralysis ia = condition condition of eyelid paralysis 9. blepharoptosis (BLĔF-ă-rŏp-TŌ-sĭs) blephar/o/ptosis blephar = eyelid ptosis = drooping downward displacement drooping of the eyelid 10. blepharospasm (BLĔF-ă-rō-SPĂZM) blephar/o/spasm blephar = eyelid spasm = involuntary muscle contraction involuntary muscle contraction of the eyelid Prefi xes = Green Root Words = Red Suffi xes = Blue
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