70 Modern Welding 3.7.2 Work Angle The work angle is the angle measured from a line perpendicular to the major or nonbutting surface to the plane containing the weld axis and the centerline of the electrode. Figure 3-46 shows a fi llet weld in the horizontal position. The weld axis and a line perpendicular to the major or nonbutting surface are shown in Figure 3-46A. Figure 3-46B adds a plane and an elec- trode. The plane goes through the weld axis and the electrode axis. Figure 3-46C shows how the work angle is measured. The work angle is the angle between a line perpendicular to the nonbutting surface and the plane containing the weld axis and the electrode axis. The work angle shown is about 45°. 3.7.3 Commonly Used Angles The work angle drawn in Figure 3-44C is zero. Usually when welding a butt weld the work angle is zero. The electrode is in line with the weld bead. Often when welding a fi llet weld the work angle is 45°. Angles do not change when describing horizontal, vertical or overhead weld angles. The angles are measured as described. The weld axis is in a different orientation, but the measured angles remain the same. Drag or push travel angles usually range from zero to 40°. Some welding applications use a greater travel angle. Figures 3-47 and 3-48 show the range of drag angle, push angle, and work angle for butt and fi llet welds. A large push angle, up to 85° is used for gouging. A Perpendicular to nonbutting surface Weld axis Nonbutting surface Perpendicular to nonbutting surface Plane defined by weld axis and electrode axis Nonbutting surface Weld axis B Electrode axis C Perpendicular to nonbutting surface Plane defined by weld axis and electrode axis Work angle Nonbutting surface Weld axis Electrode axis Figure 3-46. Work angle for an inside corner joint. The work angle is measured from a line perpendicular to the major or nonbutting surface to the plane containing the weld axis and the centerline of the electrode. A—The weld axis and a line perpendicular to the nonbutting surface are shown. B—The plane defi ned by the weld axis and the electrode axis are shown. C—The work angle is shown.
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