463 CHAPTER OUTCOMES After studying this chapter, you will be able to: Understand and explain the terminology used to describe the status of plant and animal species on the endangered species lists. Categorize the primary causes of extinction of living species due to human activity. Assess causes of extinction and describe how those causes relate to loss of biodiversity. Explain the methods and technology used to assess wildlife species and their habitats. Determine strategies for preventing the loss of species and biodiversity include recover and restore efforts, captive breeding programs, and initiating a species survival plan. Understand and explain the purpose of legislation, such as the Endangered Species Act (ESA). KEY TERMS Click on the activity icon or visit www.g-wlearning.com/agriculture/0516 to access online vocabulary activities using key terms from the chapter. background extinction rate bioindicators captive breeding program complete count critically endangered species (CR) DNA barcode DNA barcoding endangered species (EN) ex situ conservation extinct extinct in the wild species (EW) extinct species (EX) extirpation generalized species highly specialized species incomplete count indirect count IUCN Red List of Threatened Species least concern species (LC) mass extinction near threatened species (NT) pandemic disease quadrat quadrat analysis remote sensing species survival plan (SSP) threatened species total count transect line vulnerable species (VU) zoonotic disease Photo credits (top of page, left to right): Terrence/Shutterstock.com, Robert Mutch/Shutterstock.com, Sebastien Burel/Shutterstock.com
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