Glossary 601
attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). A disorder that includes
symptoms of ADD along with over or
uncontrollable activity. (21)
au pair. A young person who comes from
another country to live with and provide
child care for a family. (20)
authoritarian. Parenting style in which
behavioral expectations, or standards,
are set very high by parents. They
expect their children to follow these
expectations without question. (5)
autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A general
term used to describe complex disorders
that cause communication, social, and
behavioral challenges. (21)
autonomy. Independence. (14)
babbling. Repeated vocalizing, or speech, in
which babies add consonant sounds to
vowels. (13)
babysitting. Occasional in-home care. (20)
baby talk. Regression to language
expressions used as older infant or
young toddler. (15)
behavioral disorders. A wide variety of
social and emotional problems ranging
from mild to severe that impairs a
person’s ability to function normally. (21)
behavioral refl ections. Nonjudgmental
statements regarding some aspect of a
child’s (or person’s) behavior. (5)
bilingualism. Knowing and speaking two
languages. (15)
birth center. Nonhospital facility that
provides prenatal care and delivery
services. (10)
birthing room. Special room in a hospital
where a woman can labor, deliver,
recover, and rest. (10)
birth plan. Plan that combines all parental
expectations about labor and delivery. (10)
blastocyst. Hollow ball of cells that forms as
the zygote divides. (8)
body image. How a person views his or her
body and its functions. (13)
bonding. The loving feeling parents have for
their child. (11)
Brazelton scale. A newborn assessment that
can identify nonemergency problems
with the baby’s movement, refl exes,
responses, and general state. (11)
breech. When the baby’s buttocks or feet
settle into the mother’s pelvic area for
birth. (11)
bullying. Occurs when one or more people
infl ict physical, verbal, or emotional
abuse on another person. (19)
career. A series of related jobs and work
experiences. (22)
career clusters. Sixteen broad groupings of
occupational and career specialties. (22)
career plan. A program of study to reach a
desired career goal. (22)
certifi ed-nurse midwife. Nurse practitioner
who has extensive training and
experience in providing prenatal care
and delivering babies. (9)
cesarean delivery. Major surgery in which a
baby is delivered through incisions in the
mother’s abdomen and uterus. (11)
character. Principles, concepts, and beliefs
that a person holds and uses as a guide
for living. (6)
child abuse. Nonaccidental injury or pattern
of injuries to a child for which there is no
reasonable explanation. (19)
Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies
(CCR&Rs). Service agencies that provide
information to parents who are looking
for any type of child care. (20)
child neglect. Failing to provide for a child’s
basic needs. (19)
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