Glossary 603
cyberbullying. Harassment through a digital
medium. (19)
dedication. A deep level of continued
commitment. (1)
delay of gratifi cation. The postponement of
an immediate reward for an even greater
reward. (4)
delivery stage. Second stage of labor. (11)
democratic. Parenting style in which parents
set behavioral limits, but also allow
freedom within those limits. Parents also
talk with their children about reasons
behind the limits or standards. (5)
development. A change in function as a
result of growth; progress in skills and
abilities. (4)
developmentally appropriate practice (DAP).
An attempt to make all aspects of a
program fi t each child’s development. (20)
developmental screening. A test that can
identify possible developmental delay. (15)
diaper rash. A skin irritation caused by
bacteria that build up on the warm,
moist skin in the diaper area. (12)
dilation stage. First stage of labor. (11)
diversity. The condition of differing from one
another. (1)
dual-career families. Families in which both
spouses work outside the home. (3)
dysfunctional family. A family that cannot
function properly because of certain
overwhelming problems. (19)
eating disorders. Real medical illnesses with
complex emotions and behaviors that
involve abnormal eating patterns and
concerns with weight and body image. (17)
egg (ovum). The female sex cell. (7)
egocentric. Toddler’s inability to see things
from the perspective of others. (14)
embryo. Developing baby from two weeks
after conception until the eighth week of
pregnancy. (8)
emergency care. Treatment of life-
threatening injuries. (21)
emotional development. Recognizing
feelings or emotions, such as love, hate,
fear, happiness, or anger. (4)
emotional neglect. Failure to provide
children with love and affection. (19)
empathy. Sensitivity to the feelings,
thoughts, or experiences of others. (6)
endometrium. Inner lining of the uterus. (7)
entrepreneur. A person who owns and
operates his or her business. (22)
enuresis. Bedwetting problem in children
over age 3 that may have physical or
psychological causes. (15)
environment. Everything in a person’s
surroundings. (4)
epidural. Regional anesthetic that can be
injected into the epidural space during
labor. (11)
episiotomy. Small cut in the opening of the
birth canal to allow more room for the
baby to be delivered. (11)
ethnic groups. Groups of people with a
common racial, national, tribal, religious,
or cultural origin or background. (1)
ethnic identity. The way a person views
him- or herself as a member of a particular
ethnic group. (1)
euphemism. The substitution of a pleasant
word for one that sounds unpleasant,
such as death. (18)
extended family. A family that includes all the
relatives in a family, such as grandparents,
aunts, uncles, and cousins. (2)
eye-hand coordination. The ability to move
the hands in the direction that the eyes
see. (13)
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