250 Principles of Floral Design
Asymmetrical Triangle
For this project you will need the following plant materials: six snapdragons (line), eight purple carnations
(mass), leather leaf, a dozen lime green spray mums, and a fi ller fl ower. You will also need a utility container,
1/3 of a block of soaked fl oral foam, a fl oral knife, scissors, anchor tape, and water.
Place 1/3 of a block of soaked floral foam
into the container, secure with anchor tape
and place the dish with the long length side
to side.
Using the snapdragons, begin creating
an asymmetrical triangle. Place the first
snapdragon in the back, left-hand corner.
Place the next snapdragon directly in front
of the first, at the base of the container.
Insert the third snapdragon on the right
side of the foam so that it is horizontal and
resting on the lip of the container. Insert the
fourth snapdragon in the front left side of
the foam so that it is horizontal, lower than
the third flower, and resting on the lip of the
container. Place the fifth snapdragon toward
the back of the container, upright and to the
right of the first flower. The sixth snapdragon
is inserted horizontally, halfway between the
other horizontal flowers, resting on the lower
lip of the container.
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