Chapter 10 Types of Floral Design 265
New Convention
A variation of the parallel systems
style is the new convention design, which
includes both horizontal and vertical stem
placements. The horizontal stems usually
extend from all four sides of the container
and are often of the same plant material
as the vertical stems, although this is not
Millefl eur
Many different types and colors of
fl owers are typical of the millefl eur design
style. The term millefl eur is a French word
that means “1000 fl owers.” Millefl eur
arrangements are radial, and no one type
of fl ower is dominant, although all of the
fl owers are typically about the same size. See
Figure 10-25.
You may have heard the old story about
the phoenix, a mythological Greek bird that
dies by re, then rises from the ashes. The
phoenix design style is named for this bird.
It is a radial arrangement with a burst of
long-stemmed plant materials arising from
the central vertical axis, Figure 10-26. The
base of the arrangement is generally a tightly spaced
mass, with no negative space. The line materials that
rise from the center of the mass are often branches or
line materials that represent renewal or rebirth. The
mass elements and the line elements are both equally
important in this type of design, making it a true line-
mass design.
Other Notable Designs
Many other design styles became popular throughout
the 20th century. A few of the more notable include:
Pot-et-fl eur design. The fl oral designer mixes
potted plants and a cut fl ower arrangement in a
single container.
Stacked design. Two or more containers are tiered
one on top of the other, often with each container
being smaller than the one below it.
Topiary design. Live plants are clipped and
trained into the shapes of human, animal,
stylized, or geometric shapes, Figure 10-27.
Figure 10-25. In a mille de fl eurs arrangement, no one type of
fl ower is dominant.
The Flower Studio in Austin, TX; Society of American Florists
Figure 10-26. A phoenix design represents rebirth
and is named for the mythological Greek bird.
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