Chapter 10 Types of Floral Design 267
of circles and squares are grouped into an intentional representation
of the external landscape environment with plants of varying shapes
and sizes, designed with a modern presentation. Decorative colored
floral foams are also used inside the transparent glass, adding a color
dimension to the container. In this situation, the mechanics (foam) are
purposely displayed. Insertions need to be intentional as any hole in this
decorative foam which does not contain a stem, is noticeable and gives
the impression of a mistake.
A variation of this style is the underwater design. In this style, part
or all of the fl oral design is contained in a glass or see-through container
and is displayed under water, Figure 10-29. The container in this type of
arrangement should be chosen carefully, because glass distorts the items in
the water. For example, a round container tends to enlarge the appearance of
the plant materials. Complete submersion of the blossom under water also
shortens the life of the bloom.
Like the life of the fl ower fl oating in a stream, some trends in design
will come and go quickly. Floral design will continue to be infl uenced by
interior design, fashion, and art. In tandem, new fl oral products and their
creative applications will keep a strong designer current with the changing
trends in fl oristry.
Thinking Green
Recycled Glass
Using recycled glass
containers for designs
that require clear glass
is an eco-friendly idea
that customers may find
very appealing.
Apples Eyes Studio/
Figure 10-29. Considerations for an underwater design include the shape of the container as
well as the plant materials it contains. This simplistic design makes quite a statement with the
leaves wrapped around the inside of the bubble bowl and the single pink orchid.
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