Chapter 1 Careers in Floriculture 7
Full-service fl ower shops deal with every aspect of retail fl oral
production, including delivery service, wire service, and wedding and
funeral fl oral designs, Figure 1-5.
Some supermarkets contain complete fl oral operations. Fresh fl owers,
gift lines, and wire services options are available in larger supermarket
fl oral departments. This type of store hires fl oral designers to create
the wide spectrum of designs typically
found in a stand-alone fl ower shop.
When multiple supermarket locations
are involved, a central design facility
is used. Orders are taken at multiple
store locations and produced off-site in
the central design facility. Florists with
varied skills are needed at both types of
Limited-service fl ower shops focus on
one specialty service. A fl orist located in a
hospital is an example of this type of fl ower
shop. The hospital fl orist specializes in
cheerful arrangements for hospital patients.
Although the shop may stock other items
such as stuffed animals and children’s toys,
it does not provide a full range of fl oral
services. These fl ower shops typically do
not offer wire services or delivery outside
of their location. They sell to a specifi c,
targeted clientele.
Pro Tip
Location, Location
Before starting your own
floral business, research
real estate in the area in
which you are interested.
The location you choose
may either help your
business flourish, or make
you close your doors.
Lynn Watson/
Figure 1-4. A store’s location often determines whether or not the business will thrive.
Figure 1-5. A full-service retail fl ower shop sells premade and
custom arrangements and offers a complete range of fl oral services.
This fl orist is recording a request for delivery later in the day.
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