11 Section 1.1 Introduction to Professional Communication Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. CEO VP VP Manager Manager Downward communication Upward communication Lateral communication Check Your Understanding 1. What is the purpose of professional communication? 2. List the elements of the communication process. 3. Explain the role of a channel in the communication process. 4. Explain the difference between formal and informal communication. 5. Explain how to identify standards for making appropriate communication choices in the workplace. Build Your Vocabulary As you progress through this course, develop a personal glossary of key terms. This will help you build your vocabulary and prepare you for a career. Write a definition for each of the following terms and add it to your personal glossary. communication professional communication rhetoric goodwill communication process sender encoding transmission channel receiver interpersonal communication small group communication public communication decoding feedback informal communication etiquette formal communication protocol peer Section 1.1 Review Goodheart-Willcox Publisher Figure 1-2 Communication within a business flows in one of three ways.
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