Chapter 10 Digital Citizenship
Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Secure Passwords
A strong password is the fi rst defense in protecting your devices.
A strong password is one that is hard to crack. Unfortunately, many
people have weak passwords for even their most important accounts.
When creating new passwords, use the tips shown in Figure 10-4.
Security Settings
Become familiar with the security settings and features of your
Internet browser. Most browsers allow you to set a security level,
from low to high. Change the setting to a level that will protect your
computer and your information. The highest level provides the
most security. Also, use a pop-up blocker. A pop-up blocker prevents
the browser from displaying pop-up windows. These are often ads,
which may contain malware.
Back Up Your Computer
An important part of a security plan is backing up computer
data. This should be done on a regular basis. Do not wait until a
virus invades your computer or the hard disk crashes. At that point,
it may be too late to retrieve your fi les and computer programs.
Put a plan in place to perform regular backups. Decide on a
storage device and method for backing up your fi les. Place the backup
device in a fi reproof container. Store the container at a location other
than your home. A safe deposit box in a bank is a secure location.
Goodheart-Willcox Publisher
Figure 10-4. Use these tips to create safe, secure passwords.
Secure Passwords
Do not be careless or in a hurry.
Do not use passwords that contain easily guessed information.
Do not use the same passwords for multiple accounts or profiles.
Do change your passwords often.
Do record your passwords on a dedicated and secure hard-copy
Checkpoint 10.2
1. Explain why following an acceptable use policy is an example of
ethical behavior.
2. Discuss the importance of digital security.
3. Why should a computer be backed up on a regular basis?
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