14 Principles of Floral Design
Movie and TV Set Floral Designer
Professional fl oral designers are often needed
on movie sets, especially when a period lm is
being produced. Designers who work in this eld
must know the history of fl oral design in order
to produce arrangements that are true to the time
period. A set fl orist must know what types of
fl owers were available at the time, what time of
the year they were available, and what types of
containers were used. A fl oral designer may also
be responsible for any gardens and landscaping
that appear in the lm.
Interiorscape Designer
Some fl orists specialize in providing plants to
enhance indoor environments. These fl orists use
their knowledge of design and decorating skills
to create interiorscapes that make offi ces, hotels,
and even private homes look more inviting,
Figure 1-14. These specialty fl orists work with
both live and artifi cial plant materials, depending
on customer preferences. They must have a good
sense of scale to decorate both small and large
places appropriately.
Other Floral Career Opportunities
Not all of the careers in the fl oriculture industry deal directly with
fl owers. Florists rely on manufacturers and supply companies to produce
the materials they need. These companies need employees that understand
fl owers and fl oral design. Education and research are also viable options.
Product Developer
Containers, baskets, artifi cial fl owers, and holiday decorations are
good examples of accessories to fl oral design. Many kinds of products,
both decorative and mechanical, are designed specifi cally to support the
fl oriculture industry. Product developers and manufacturers of these items
need inventive designers who are innovative and enjoy using their creativity.
Experienced designers with strong communication skills and an
understanding of the entire fl oriculture industry are good candidates for
product development positions. They can combine their creativity with
the practical aspects of an accessory to design a stylish and useful item for
production. Designers in this capacity must have fl exible schedules for
travel and a good eye for design. Most product developers work for the
companies that manufacture the accessory items. However, some wholesale
fl orists hire product developers to produce their own product lines.
Independent manufacturers of silk or artifi cial items also need experienced
artists for production of their goods. An individual that possesses a strong
understanding of color may nd the product development track interesting.
Figure 1-14. Hotels often hire designers to create
interiorscapes to make the lobby and other common areas
look more comfortable and inviting.
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