Chapter 3 The Digestive System 93 Assessment Matching Anatomy and Physiology Vocabulary Directions: Match the vocabulary term in Column A with its meaning in Column B. Some meanings may be used more than once. Column A Column B ______ 1. digestive tract A. physician who specializes in the study and treatment of the digestive system B. tubular structure that carries food from the pharynx (throat) to the stomach C. long, hollow tube that starts at the pharynx and extends to the anus D. the study of the digestive system E. the throat F. last section of the digestive system, which absorbs water and electrolytes and eliminates waste also called the colon G. expandable organ that stores and breaks down food located between the esophagus and small intestine H. last (and longest) part of the small intestine I. fi rst part of the small intestine J. middle part of the small intestine K. part of the digestive tract in which chemical digestion occurs L. last part of the intestine leading to the anus M. S-shaped section of the large intestine ______ 2. large intestine ______ 3. esophagus ______ 4. alimentary canal ______ 5. small intestine ______ 6. pharynx ______ 7. gastroenterology ______ 8. gastrointestinal (GI) tract ______ 9. gastroenterologist ______ 10. stomach ______ 11. ileum ______ 12. jejunum ______ 13. duodenum ______ 14. sigmoid ______ 15. rectum SCORECARD: How Did You Do? Number correct (_____), divided by 15 (_____), multiplied by 100 equals _____ (your score)
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