2 27 0 0 Part Two Creating a Safe and Healthful Environment
Tug at the different parts of the toy,
such as glass eyes and buttons, to
test its strength. If the toy lacks
durability, remove it from the
classroom. Depending on the
condition and value, it can either be
repaired or discarded.
Toys should also be examined
for sharp or splintered edges.
Observe to see if any small pieces
have broken off or splintered. If
a toy needs repairs, immediately
remove it from the classroom.
As a teacher, you must also stay
informed about changes in safety
standards. When new standards are
issued, check current toys to be sure
they conform. Discard items that do
not meet the new standards.
Playground Equipment
Staff members have several
duties when it comes to playground
safety. First, they must be sure to
plan the play yard with safety in
mind. For example, proper surfacing
is a key safety concern, 11-3.
Second, staff members must
select safe play yard equipment.
Safer equipment eliminates many
preventable accidents. Many
products are available today to help
children enjoy safe outdoor play.
Third, staff must evaluate
existing equipment for safety. Older
equipment may not meet current
safety standards. This equipment
often contains hazards not found on
newer equipment. These hazards
include head entrapments, sharp
edges, hard swing seats, and
all-metal slides. Staff should
research laws on play yard
equipment safety. They must be sure
their program complies with these
requirements. Next, staff can seek
tips from professional organizations
regarding play yard safety. These
tips can offer extra protection by
exceeding legal requirements.
As equipment ages, it is likely
to need upkeep and repair. For this
reason, all play yard equipment
must be checked often for dangers.
Many programs devise a safety
checklist to guide teachers in
inspecting the play yard. Teachers
conduct weekly checks, fill out the fi
checklist, and give it to the director.
The director must then arrange for
needed repairs or maintenance.
Finally, and perhaps most
importantly, staff are responsible for
supervising children on the play yard.
Even the safest equipment can cause
accidents when it is not used properly.
Limits must be set and enforced
regarding equipment use. Children
can be involved in setting these limits,
if developmentally appropriate.
Teachers must closely watch children
using the equipment and step in
when needed. Staff should praise
children who are practicing safety.
A A An impact-absorbing p g surface was installed
under u this playground equipment to prevent
s serious injuries related to falls.
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