88 Medical Terminology: Mastering the Basics Chapter 3 The Digestive System gastr / o / enter / o / logy: the study of the digestive system Chapter Organization Intern Experience Overview of Digestive System Anatomy and Physiology Word Elements Breaking Down and Building Digestive System Terms Diseases and Disorders Procedures and Treatments Analyzing the Intern Experience Working with Medical Records Chapter Review You will see this icon at various points throughout this chapter. The icon indicates that you will fi nd interactive activities and games on the Medical Terminology Companion Website. These activities and games will help you learn, practice, and expand your medical terminology knowledge and skills. Some of these activities are also available on the Medical Terminology Mobile Website. Companion Website www.g-wlearning.com/healthsciences Mobile Site www.m.g-wlearning.com/5800 Chapter Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to 1. label an anatomical diagram of the digestive system 2. dissect and defi ne common medical terminology related to the digestive system 3. build terms used to describe digestive system diseases and disorders, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic treatments 4. pronounce and spell common medical terminology related to the digestive system 5. understand that the processes of building and dissecting a medical term based on its prefi x, word root, and suffi x enable you to analyze an extremely large number of medical terms beyond those presented in this chapter 6. interpret the meaning of abbreviations associated with the digestive system and 7. interpret medical records containing terminology and abbreviations related to the digestive system.
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