Chapter 11 Promoting Children’s Safety
Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Take roll as soon as the children and staff have
cleared the building and have reached the planned
meeting areas. When fi refi ghters arrive, inform the
chief whether anyone is still in the building.
When making evacuation plans, remember
that infants cannot walk and are therefore more
diffi cult to remove than older children. Most
adults cannot carry more than two infants at one
time. Therefore, when ratios are higher than one
caregiver to two infants, a careful plan needs to
be made. Some centers practice by placing several
babies in special evacuation cribs and rolling
them out of the building. Wagons can be used for
evacuating older children.
Plan and introduce fi re and burn prevention
into the curriculum, if developmentally
appropriate. Remind the children to tell staff
right away if they smell smoke. Explain that in a
fi re, clean air is near the fl oor. By crawling close
to the ground it will be easier to breathe. Teach
the children what to do if their clothing catches
fi re. Parents can also be encouraged to practicing
fi re drills at home.
Figure 11.7 shows the stop, drop, and roll
technique. Also, share books about fi re safety and
fi refi ghters. Since fi refi ghters could be frightening
to young children, invite one to come to the
center. Encourage the fi refi ghter to show the
children his or her clothing and equipment.
Sun Safety
The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays cause harm.
The result can be skin damage, eye damage, and
even cancer. The sun’s rays are the strongest
between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. During these
hours, the children’s exposure should be limited
as it is the most damaging. Before going outside,
always check the UV index. Daily newspapers
often provide this information on the weather
page. Otherwise, check the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency’s website.
Early childhood teachers need to teach
children sun safety precautions. Always apply
a broad-spectrum sunscreen 30 minutes before
going outdoors. The American Academy of
Dermatology recommends a broad spectrum
sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at
least 30. Apply generously wherever the skin is
showing. Reapply every two hours if the children
remain outdoors. Also reapply sunscreen after
water play for maximum protection.
Figure 11.7 If clothing catches fire, the stop, drop, and roll technique should be used.
1. STOP:
Don’t move. Stop where
you are.
2. DROP:
Drop to you knees.
3. ROLL:
Cover your face with your hands,
and then roll over and over to
smother the flames.
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