Act On What You Learned 1. The Think Critically questions ask you to think more deeply about what you learned in the chapter. Consider the questions and answer them. Some questions may need to be discussed with a partner or in small groups. 2. Complete the Develop Your Skills activities, which will help you improve your health and wellness skills. The type of skill the activity reinforces is bold and purple. Some activities involve working in groups and interacting with teachers and the community. Chapter 12 Review and Assessment Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Chapter 12 Preventing and Responding to Accidents and Injuries 421 Think Critically 15. Cause and effect. What are the consequences of being unprepared for an emergency? Give examples of consequences for at least three emergency situations. 16. Draw conclusions. In a small group, discuss whether a middle school student is old enough and responsible enough to stay home alone. 17. Compare and contrast. Compare and contrast a safe and unsafe school environment. Give examples of how the school environment can positively or negatively impact a middle-school student’s physical and emotional health. 18. Identify. What are some ways that middle school students can have fun on social media without putting their personal safety at risk? 19. Access information and communication skills. Talk with your parents or guardian about expectations and rules for staying home alone. Create a Guide to Staying Home Alone that lists at least five safety rules for staying home alone. Use pictures to illustrate each rule and display your guide in a visible place in your home. 20. Refusal and communication skills. Imagine that you are flirting with someone you met on social media. You have been talking with this person for three weeks and enjoy your online relationship. One day, this person sends the following message to you. How would you respond to protect your personal safety? You are amazing. Tell me more about yourself. I want to know everything about you. 21. Decision-making skills. Imagine that you are seeing a movie with two friends. The movie is not very good, so you and your friends decide to walk to the mall 10 blocks away. To save time, your friends plan to walk behind buildings and on side streets. When you reach the lobby of the theater, however, you notice how dark it is outside. List the pros and cons of each decision you could make and write a summary describing the pros and cons, safety risks and precautions, and what you would do. 22. Advocacy. Think about the personal safety threats that endanger students in your school and create a personal safety flyer highlighting one safety threat. Include at least five safety tips related to the threat and at least two pictures to support your content. If you have permission, hang your flyer on a wall in your school. 23. Teamwork and technology skills. As a class, divide into three groups and assign each group one lesson in this chapter. In your group, review your assigned lesson and outline the most important ideas and safety practices. Ask your teacher if you are not sure which ideas and safety practices are most important. Create a multimedia presentation that uses text, photos and illustrations, and music to summarize the main points in the lesson. Present your interactive summary to the class and answer any questions your classmates have. DEVELOP Your Skills 1 2 Now that you understand how to use this textbook, you are ready to begin your study of health and wellness skills. If you are ever not sure how to use a feature of the textbook, revisit this walkthrough. Remember to take advantage of the activities in this textbook. They will help you not only know information, but also apply it and use it in your life.
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