Chapter 9 Review and Assessment Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Chapter 9 Alcohol 295 Think Critically 15. Assess. Why are rules and laws about alcohol use needed? What are the intentions behind a minimum legal drinking age, laws against drinking and driving, or zero-tolerance policies? 16. Compare and contrast. Many factors influence a person’s decision to use alcohol. Which influences do you think impact teens the most? Why? 17. Draw conclusions. For a person who is dependent on alcohol, draw conclusions about which level of dependency would be more difficult to overcome. Why? 18. Identify. What are the different options for treating alcohol-use disorders? Use valid resources to identify three treatment facilities or programs in your community. 19. Conflict resolution and communication skills. Imagine that a member of your family or someone you know is showing signs of an alcohol-use disorder. How would you address this problem? What if this person does not agree with your thoughts and is adamant that his or her alcohol use is safe and under control? What would you do? 20. Decision-making and advocacy skills. Create a public service announcement (PSA)—print, audio, or video—targeted toward students in your school. Focus your PSA on the promotion of having fun without drinking alcohol. Spotlight healthy alternatives to drinking alcohol. Mention the dangers of alcohol use as a teenager. Be sure to include information about how students can access help for alcohol-use disorders. 21. Refusal and communication skills. Practice makes permanent! Write at least three statements that are true for you and will clearly express your desire not to drink alcohol. Examples: “I’m not interested in drinking because I have alcoholism in my family.” “No thanks, my parents would be so mad at me.” 22. Refusal and communication skills. With a classmate, role-play a situation for the class in which one person is pressuring another to go to a party where “everyone” will be drinking alcohol. In the role-play, demonstrate your effective refusal skills. 23. Access information. Find a current news story (print or video) from the last six months that involves adolescent alcohol use. In writing, summarize the article and discuss the accuracy of the facts about alcohol presented. What can a teen learn from this situation, and what questions may remain? Properly cite the news story. 24. Decision-making skills. Many teens feel the effects of someone else’s drinking, and Alateen and Al-Anon can help. Go to the Al-Anon Family Groups' website and click on the self-quiz for teens. On a sheet of paper, write your answers to the quiz questions. Use your decision-making skills to determine whether Alateen is a group that might be helpful to you. DEVELOP Your Skills
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