Unit Two Creating a Safe and Healthful Environment
Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Center vehicles should be equipped for
emergency situations. A fi rst aid kit for treating
minor injuries should be located in each vehicle.
Moreover, a fi re extinguisher and tools for
changing tires should also be present in each
vehicle. Vehicle drivers should be informed how
to use these items.
Building Security
Safety measures must be taken to control
unauthorized access to the building. Some centers
install keypads and assign ID codes to parents
and staff (Figure 11.4). Outside gates should have
locks installed and be locked. Some centers also
install observation cameras to monitor entrances
and exits.
Many accidents that occur in centers involve
the building and building fi xtures. Windows,
doors, fl oors, and stairs all may cause injuries.
Doors should have rubber gaskets to prevent
fi nger pinching. They should be designed to
open to the outside and have see-through panes.
This will help prevent injuries by making the
children visible to anyone opening the door.
Keep windows closed at all times unless
gates or sturdy screens are in place. Keep fl oors
dry. If wax is used, use a nonslip type. Cover
stairways with carpet or rubber treads. Make
sure stairways are well-lighted and free of
clutter. Install railings at the children’s level on
both sides of the stairs.
Sliding patio doors, doors with glass
panels, and storm doors can all be dangerous.
To protect the children, use only safety glass.
Decals applied to sliding glass doors at their
eye level warn children of glass they might not
otherwise see.
Cover all unused electrical outlets in
the building. Avoid using extension cords,
particularly if they are placed under carpets or
rugs. If the cord becomes worn, a fi re may occur.
Figure 11.4 A keypad entry system prevents
unauthorized access to the building.
Prevent Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly, poisonous
gas. It is odorless and invisible. Symptoms of
poisoning include headache, fatigue, nausea,
and dizziness. When such fuels as gasoline,
natural gas, propane, oil, and wood burn
incompletely, carbon monoxide forms. Heating
systems and cooking appliances that burn fuel
can also be a source of carbon monoxide when
they do not function properly. Proper installation
and venting along with regular professional
inspection and maintenance of such equipment
can help prevent carbon monoxide formation.
Some public facilities that burn fuels in heating
systems and cooking appliances use carbon
monoxide detectors to warn facility occupants
when carbon monoxide is in the air. When the
alarm goes off, immediately move to a fresh-air
location and call emergency personnel.
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