Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
refl ex. An automatic body response to a stimulus
controlled by the lower-brain centers that
govern involuntary processes such as heart
rate and breathing. (5)
regression. Showing behaviors that were typical
at earlier stages of development. (15)
rehearsal. The repetition of information after it is
used. (8)
render. Provide. (31)
resilient. Able to bounce back quickly from
stress. (15)
resource people. Visitors to a classroom, fi eld
trip hosts, or people you talk to at a fi eld trip
site. (28)
résumé. A brief summary of a person’s
qualifi cations, skills, and experience. Its
purpose is to secure an interview and/or
inform a potential employer of a person’s
qualifi cations and experience. (33)
reviews. Lists and descriptions of books that
will help you fi nd titles, authors, and
publishers of books, which can be found in
public libraries. (20)
rheumatoid arthritis. Common form of juvenile
arthritis that can also strike adults. General
fatigue, loss of appetite, aching joints, and
a stiffness of joints are the fi rst signs of the
disease. (31)
role. A set of responsibilities that accompanies a
position you hold in life. (33)
role-playing. A type of play in which children
mimic the actions of others, especially adult
roles. (21)
role strain. A type of stress created by being
unable to successfully balance multiple
roles. (33)
rote counting. Reciting numbers in their proper
order. (7)
routines. Everyday experiences such as dressing,
undressing, eating, napping, toileting, and
changing activities. (17)
salt painting. Art activity using salt mixed with
colored tempera in shakers. (19)
sanitizing. Process of removing dirt or soil and a
small amount of bacteria. (13)
scaffolding. A process in which assistance is
provided by adult or another child to support
a child’s learning. The support moves the
child from his current developmental level to
a higher one. (4)
schemata. A term Piaget used referring to
the cognitive structures in which mental
representations or concepts are organized. (4)
school-age child care programs. Programs often
sponsored by schools, houses of worship,
or child care centers that provide care for
children before and/or after school. They are
designed for families of working families. (2)
science. The study of natural processes and their
products. (24)
science table. A table used to display science-
related items and create a learning
environment rich in materials. (24)
second-degree burn. Burn causing damage to
underlying layers of skin, requiring medical
treatment. This burn is marked by pain,
blistering, swelling, and discoloration. (13)
self-assessment. The process of examining your
interests, abilities, values, and professional
priorities. (33)
self-concept. Qualities a child believes he or she
possesses; a result of beliefs, feelings, and
perceptions a child has of himself or herself as
part of the world. (6)
self-esteem. The belief that you are worthwhile
as a person. (8)
self-regulation. The ability to regulate
one’s behavior in socially and culturally
appropriate ways. (25)
sensorimotor stage. Period between birth and
two years of age during which infants use all
their senses to explore and learn. (4)
sensory table. Table in the sensory area that gives
children the opportunity to experience the
sensations related to water and sand. It also
allows them practice in social situations. Also
known as a water table or sand table. (9)
sensory training. Learning from impressions
received from the fi ve senses. (2)
separation anxiety. A child’s diffi culty in
separating from parents, often occurring
between 6 and 15 months of age. (5)
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