Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The
death of a healthy infant due to unexplained
causes. It is the leading cause of death for
infants between one and twelve months of
age. (29)
suggesting. Placing thoughts for consideration
into children’s minds. (14)
sunshine calls. Telephone calls made by teachers
to parents to communicate praise and support
for children. (32)
synapses. Connections between nerve cells that
pass messages in the brain. (4)
tactile. Related to sight and touch. (19)
teachable moment. An unexpected event the
teacher can use as a learning opportunity. (18)
teaching portfolio. A collection of materials that
tell a story about your efforts, progress, and
achievements. (33)
technology. Focuses on using tools to make
things happen, identify problems, and make
things work. (24)
telegraphic speech. The term used to describe
the two-word phrases toddlers begin to form
when they fi rst learn to combine words. (5)
temperament. Quality and intensity of children’s
emotional reactions to their environment,
such as passivity, irritability, and activity
patterns. (5)
texture painting. Art activity using liquid
tempera paints mixed with sand, sawdust, or
coffee grounds. (19)
theme. One main topic or idea around which
the classroom experiences and projects are
planned. (18)
theme bags. A child’s backpack fi lled with games,
puppets, storybooks, songs, and charts and
including a letter of introduction for the
parents. (32)
theme walks. Simple fi eld trips taken in or near
the center based on a theme. (28)
theory. A principle or idea that is proposed,
researched, and generally accepted as an
explanation. (4)
third-degree burn. Burn that destroys the skin
layer and nerve endings, requiring prompt
medical attention. (13)
time-out. A guidance technique that involves
moving a child away from others for a short
period of time. (14)
toddler. Term used to refer to a child from the
fi rst year until the third birthday. The term is
used because of the awkward walking style of
children in this age group. (4)
traffi c pattern. The way people move through the
classroom area, affecting its arrangement. (9)
transitions. Changes from one activity to another
or moves from one place to another. (17)
traveling backpack. A backpack in which
children take home their favorite books,
music cassettes, puzzles, or games to share
with their parents. (32)
“trip bag.” A bag that includes a teacher’s
essential supplies to take on a fi eld trip. (28)
undernutrition. Not eating enough food to keep
a healthful body weight and activity level.
unit-based program model. A curriculum format
for school-age child care that revolves around
curriculum themes that refl ect the children’s
interests. (30)
universal precautions. Processes practiced
to prevent accidental exposure to any
microorganism that can cause infection. (13)
universal prekindergarten (UPK). A state-
sponsored early childhood education
programs that are designed for three- and
four-year-old children and provide a high-
quality, literary-rich environment. The goal
is to enable every child with skills needed to
succeed in school. (2)
values. Beliefs, feelings, and ideas about what is
important. (33)
vendors. People and companies who sell
products and supplies. (10)
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