Section 1:1
Your Life Path
Section 1:2
Section 1:3
Key Questions
Questions to answer as you study this chapter:
What is self-identity?
Why is it important to know who I am?
How did I get to be the way I am?
Chapter Objectives
After studying this chapter, you will be able to
recognize the unique qualities of your life path.
identify factors that impact your identity.
relate major developmental tasks of the teen
years to future changes.
evaluate the influence of heredity on personal
explain how factors in the environment can
influence growth and development.
plan ways to respond to heredity and
environment with resiliency.

Life Sketch
“What are you going to do after graduation?”
Ava asked her friend Molly.
Molly’s response was eager and excited. “I plan
to go to the state college next fall and get a degree
in interior design. I’d like to spend a semester in
Italy. You know, the state college has a great student
exchange program. I’m sure that experience will
help me get a good job. I’d like to stay in the Miami
area after I graduate from college,” Molly said.
“Molly sure has her life together,” Ava thought as
she listened to all of Molly’s plans. Molly was known for
setting goals and accomplishing them. There was no
doubt she would achieve her dreams for the future.
“I’m still trying to figure out who I am,” Ava said
to herself. “Where am I going? Will I be a success at
what I do someday?”
Getting Started
Have you ever questioned yourself about your
future? Almost all young people ask such questions
as they try to learn more about themselves. They
want to plan for the future and set directions for their
Thinking about the future can be both exciting
and scary. Getting a job and living on your own may
sound exciting to you. You may be looking forward to
getting married and having your own family.
Some events that lie ahead may seem
frightening because of the unknown. Will you get the
education you need? Will you find a job you like?
Will you succeed at that job?
You may feel uncertain about future
relationships. Will you know when you are really in
love? Whom will you marry? Will your marriage be
happy? Will you be a good parent?
Life does not come with a set of directions to
answer your questions. However, in this book you will
find information related to these important life events.
Looking at the experiences of people who have
succeeded in different aspects of life can be helpful.
They have learned how to find the information they
need and use it wisely. They have developed certain
skills that help them in their personal relationships.
This book uses the experiences of such people to
identify information and skills that can be useful to you.
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